Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This really is one crazy winter! As I headed back home this morning Hwy 166 East was closed due to ice and accidents! So I killed a few hours in Pismo Beach (not hard to do), then was able to continue home. These cacti are about half way between the coast and Taft, near Cuyama. Poor things have thrived & flourished for many, many years, the top is the "before" picture, the two bottom pictures the "after" (after recent snows and ice). I doubt they will ever recover.


At 2:36 PM, Blogger Riikka said...

The weather is strange here in Finland as well. All too warm. It should be snow and freezing, but no it's raining and mild.

I wonder how long this will last?
Codaqueen aka Riikka

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Californiamama said...

Hi riikka, if you have seen Al Gore's docu-drama, An Inconvenient Truth, you will see it will continue & escalate to a drastic conclusion unless we citizens of the world wake up and take steps to reverse the damage we have done.
Check out the flick!
Thanks for viewing my blog and your comments :)

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

That is really a depressing picture. Those poor cacti. Good job with the before and after though!


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