Sunday, July 13, 2008

The beaches of Lompoc. Who knew??? These are two separate beaches, the one with the fence is a park actually and for some reason was "closed". It was on more of an inlet, not the open sea, so the waters were v calm and the entire area devoid of seemed to be calling to us to ignore the signs, but curiosity to see the beach just around the corner was also tempting so after a full exploration of this park off we went...the day was young...

And to our delight, a v few miles down the road, we came upon the breathtaking & solitary beauty of the "beach beach". The signs warn against swimming (even no fishing allowed) as the undertow is v strong and the surf quite brisk, but we were simply looking for a spot to park our chairs and picnic basket and while away the day with our books. A few others arrived on and off during the day but mostly it was like our own "private Idaho".

Solitude shows us what should be; society shows us what we are. ~Robert Cecil


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

I'm so glad you're back to blogging again, your pictures are amazing. I loved them all, the giant yucca, the 70's van (what fun!) the "secret beach" and especially moving were all the crosses on the beach. Good job!! Keep 'em coming!!


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