Friday, September 04, 2009


After a fun-filled weekend with our son, our lovely daughter in law, & two gorgeous grandchildren we crossed into Walla Walla, Washington. With a lazy 5 hr drive ahead of us to get to our cabin we decided first to drive around and check out a few local sites as we enjoyed our early morning Starbuck's lattes. AND in so doing we happened across this AMAZING home for sale, I loved it at first sight! The only roadblock I could see to making it my very own was the price tag...we were to discover the asking price is $1.65 million. Yikes.

The house sits on an acre, is 3018 sq ft and is made from all recycled materials. When I googled "Boneyard Project" the site took me through the process of building this wonderful home, with many pictures taken start to finish. The inside is amazing. Check it out sometime. The home is a project of Dirk Nelson and his Free Range Building Company, who are committed to the art of sustainable building.


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