Sunday, March 06, 2011


Most people don’t realize how much DNA damage from free radicals generation occurs as they get older. One of the strongest antioxidants to fight free radical damage is Melatonin, a hormone produced in our pineal gland that plays a role in sleep, aging, and reproduction in mammals, it is released when we sleep in very dark environments.

Melatonin is available as a supplement, an over the counter hormone, and is the best choice when looking for a sleep aid, a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals such as ambien and with no disagreeable side effects.

I used to take melatonin regularly many years ago when, due to declining hormone levels as I got into my early 40’s, I was finding it harder and harder to fall asleep (or to stay asleep). Insomnia was a problem for me for many years. Unfortunately I knew nothing back then of hormone depletion, and how it would affect my entire body. My doctor's "solution" back then was to put me on pharmaceutical Premarin, the worst thing I could possibly have done as I've learned over the years. But more on that another time. "Pharmaceutical HRT" did nothing to help me sleep, and the ambien and other sleep aids I was prescribed were successful in the short term only with undesirable side effects...aside from the fact they only put you in a sort of "sleep limbo" are unconscious, but not going through the necessary sleep cycles required for true restoration and cell renewal. Eventually I came across information and studies on Melatonin …thank God! It was only then I was able to finally resume a more normal sleeping pattern and get the restorative sleep my body was craving so desperately.

Then just a few (3) years ago I started bioidentical hormone replacement of estrogen (triest) and progesterone and found my natural ability to fall asleep had also been restored. I stopped taking melatonin until I was reminded once again, through various articles and books I was reading, of all the benefits of the hormone and I have since started supplementing with it again. I take a low dose tablet of 3 mg every nite at bedtime.

When one decides to supplement with melatonin as a sleep aid, not everyone will see instant results, fortunately I did. Remember also there are SO many other reasons to supplement with Melatonin, aside from as a sleep aid, so consider taking it for those reasons alone. Many things contribute to insomnia and you should vigilantly explore what could be the reason…perhaps you are eating too late at nite, perhaps your room is not dark enough (sometimes even the light from a smoke alarm is enough to disrupt sleep!) or you are watching tv or being on the computer too late at night, or are dealing with too much stress (work, personal, whatever). But sleep, good, deep, restorative sleep is vital, don’t kid yourself. Everyone needs at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night for for the body’s restorative processes to take place.

If the reason you can’t sleep IS due to a lack of melatonin for whatever reason (age, stress, many things can disrupt our melatonin production) without melatonin, sleep - deep, restorative sleep - in all its necessary cycles, is not possible, and you might consider supplementing with low doses of over the counter Melatonin. I take 3 mg every night, should you decide to try this supplement do your homework first, perhaps talk to your doctor or a good anti-aging, health and wellness expert before doing so.

Many experts believe anyone over the age of 50 should consider Melatonin supplementation as, aside from its anti-aging properties, sleep promoting properties, free radical fighting measures, it is also considered a neuron protective, and there are studies that show how it can prevent Alzheimers disease.

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were? ~Satchel Paig


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