Saturday, August 06, 2011


After a slow start, due to the cooler and wetter spring we had this year (SO unlike Southern Central California!)my vegetable garden managed to sprout forth and produce! I like to grow my tomatos in containers, they seem to do fairly well there, and this year I tried a few varieties of Heirloom tomato species. What you see here are Green Stripey, followed by your ordinary Early Girl. It WAS nice to have the "Girls" as they ripened early and we've been enjoying them for the past full month nonstop. They didn't get overly large, maybe 3 inches in diameter on average, but sweet and juicy nontheless.

I love growing in a raised bed I must say. Much easier to control weeds, to water, to control pests (slugs in particular). And my back is especially grateful! (If you click on the bottom picture you'll get a much better view into the garden, the tomatoes mostly in containers, the raised beds - there is another you can't see here - both filled with a lovely assortment, including a new strawberry patch)

~ "In gardens, beauty is a by-product. The main business is sex and death". ~Sam Llewelyn


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