Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I found my original Facebook page and decided to get active again. I had set it up years ago, back in 2007, about two years after moving to California ... in Facebooks early years before it totally exploded!... and then just abandoned it, after setting up and maintaining Coreys FB page ... THAT kept me as busy as I wanted to be on a social network, and before long forgot about it entirely. I see I managed to post quite a few pictures of various adventures those early years in Taft though and it was fun to go back through the albums. Not sure how much time I’ll dedicate to it even now, may just be a passing fancy for me, as I have a little more time on my hands these winter days.

I admit to having a certain paranoia re social network sites, all the more so over the years as our Govt has grown more and more intrusive in the everyday lives of its citizens. Call me crazy, but with the revelations about the NSA data mining all our online correspondence and activities, never mind our phone conversations, et al, I have to believe the minute I publish or blog or post anything it is THERE forever, tucked away in a Govt file with my name on it. Not that my life is all that interesting, but somehow the idea of Big Brother just having its thumb on my life, all our lives, gives me the creeps. Its just wrong, pure and simple. Did you know the NSA even has a Facebook page? I have to wonder who would want to ‘friend’ the NSA? Ha!

Don’t ask why have I now chosen to activate my FB page, willingly become part of this massive social network site, because frankly I’m not even sure myself. Maybe its just that I got bored the other day? Maybe just because I found my page, and it 'beckoned' to me? And hey, it is kinda fun to see the little red icons show up alerting you someone has messaged you or you have 'notifications' or a new friend request...much like when Email first became available and the "You Have Mail" message would elicit a certain anticipation! Ha! For whatever reason I have to admit it was a temptation that proved irresistible.


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