JUST ONE MORE thought on the elections....I promise!
This cartoon was posted on Daily KOS yesterday (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/11/13/1344665/-Cartoon-The-people-have-spoken?detail=email#) ... a picture does indeed speak a thousand words. I agreed with many of the comments that accompanied this cartoon on KOS, one in particular stands out...see it alongside the cartoon.
"Politics is like driving. To go backward put it in R. To go forward put it in D."
I see in the news the Republican party is bent on, and no doubt WILL, repeal the ACA, leaving the 8 million who signed on for insurance drowning in their wake. Who will pick up the slack from all the soon to be 'uninsured' when they are forced to the emergency room for their care, at those highly escalated costs? If you were upset your premiums had risen because of the ACA, just wait till its repealed. Get ready to once again be denied coverage for 'pre-existing conditions', and higher than ever premiums in an industry whose unprecedented greed has made our healthcare a :privilege" for those who can pay, not a basic human 'right'.
I have to admit to being critical of the dems in how they campaigned in the last election, seemingly running FROM the President and all his accomplishments, rather than embracing and reminding the citizenry of all he saved us FROM. Clearly it needed to shouted from the rooftops as too many will not or have forgotten the state of the country back in 2008. Well, time to just sit and see where the party of No takes us in the next 4 years.
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