Thursday, February 02, 2006

Clean bill of health from my doctor - my Valley Fever is completely gone! He even seemed a little surprised, as this is apparently a tough bug to get rid of. I understand the virus is actually caused by a windblown desert spore, it get into ones lungs and attaches, then spreads causing respiratory and other symptoms. Mine were aches and pains, headache, and pneumonia. I had first contracted it in October and it has taken several months to combat, I was fortunate to have an incredible pulmonary specialist as my doc, it's not something to take lightly.

Desert "climes" such as this breed the dreaded spore I just talked about. The first photo is a picture of The Pinnacles over near Trona, in the Mojave Desert. Rod worked out there a few months putting in new power lines shortly after we came to this area. Temperatures out here last summer got into the 120+ degrees. Somehow you just get used to the heat. The Pinnacles are actually sodium formations, from a once large sea in this area, long long ago. The other photo was taken at RedRock Canyon, out that way as well, but maybe an hour before you get to the city of Ridgecrest. The formations and colors are gorgeous. I always made it a point to stop here for a little rest on my trips over from Taft to visit Rod and stay a day or two.

Thought for the day..."What you don't have you don't need it now. What you can't see you can feel somehow"...beautiful and true lyrics Bono!


At 3:15 PM, Blogger The Great Sparlini said...

Stumbled across your site...I am in CA too, on the central coast. It seems you have lived there too. Anyway, the Valley Fever can be really nasty, and be happy you beat it as you did. My sister in law got a really bad case and had to have part of a lung, chest wall, and rib removed! Hers was extreme. Your ponds in your backyard were gorgeous! The new owners should love them!

At 9:45 PM, Blogger cascadeboy said...

HooRay! You beat it! You must be an OK Valley Girl! When I was a kid in the Methow Valley, I played in the DIRT! Imagine that! No antibacterial soap for this boy. Sick Days at any work? 0. Must be something in the air... er... DIRT!


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