Friday, August 08, 2008

Ahhh...summers bounty. In this case, my neighbors abundant melon crop is seeping through my fence, much to my delight. Finders keepers.... when she's not looking I'm diverting as many trailing stems my way as I can :).

My own herb and flower bed across the yard ... this year I covered the fence in gourds ... yes gourds ... what was I thinking??? Just my luck the year I decide to do something "artistic" (plan was/is to dry/paint/ shellac a few) the economy goes down the tubes, & price of oil skyrockets resulting in rising food prices! Just my luck...squash or cucumbers or beans would have been a better choice, but who knew???


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Isn't there some sort of saying about beauty being food for the soul or something?

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Californiamama said...

Absolutely Shannon, THATS what I must have been thinking! LOL


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