Thursday, June 11, 2009


With a gorgeous summer day to work with, we grabbed our hats and cameras and headed to the coast. Our original "excuse" to go was to see if this painting we'd admired last trip over was still available for sale in a quaint little antique shop in Goleta, a seaside community maybe 10 minutes north of Santa Barbara. It wasn't, but I figured as much, knew I should have nabbed it when I had the chance. Reminder to self: get while the gettins good.
I love the trip over to the coast this time of year, its Yucca blooming season, and the Yuccas were amazing as always. They only bloom for a few short weeks then die back into what look like toothpicks covering the hillsides.
After a brunch at an All Natural cafe on Main Street Goleta (yummy portobello mushroom burgers and fresh veggie soup) we made our way over to Santa Barbara. We first stopped and walked this lovely hillside park, which overlooks the ocean. From here we could enjoy the incredible views and just exhale, let the cares and worries of the world fall away as we surveyed the endless vista. The ocean does for me what no pill could ever do, can't explain it.


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