Saturday, September 20, 2008

From vine to table...its ready at last!

We watched this little melon (who had ventured over to our side of the fence from our neighbors yard) much like a parent watches a child grow...carefully nurturing it (spraying extra water thru the fence when Paula had neglected to water), protecting it from bugs, turning it as it grew, until today, when, with mixed emotions, I twisted it from the vines and brought to the table. Who knew a honeydew could get so BIG. My neighbor was in awe, it had reached the proportions of a basketball!

This little fella is doing its best to reach maturity as summer slowly fades...if Paula doesn't tire of the wilted, drying vines on her side of the fence it may make it. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides. ~W.E. Johns, The Passing Show


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