Thursday, August 14, 2008

One (of many) of the more worrisome traits of John McCain that has made me really, really nervous should he win the election, is the many articles and video clips showing us this man's short fuse. This morning I was reading in the Huffington Post this article by James Rubin (adjunct Professor at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs.)where he states - The next President must be someone who can remain calm in a crisis, not jump to conclusions, and build a consensus with our friends and allies. That is how America's interests will be best defended and promoted in the twenty-first century. McCain's record of discord with our European allies and his shoot from the hip approach on Russia demonstrate that if the phone rings at three a.m. he'll be giving the wrong answers. My fears, exactly. The minute Russia started their aggression on Georgia McCain was beating the war drums! It seems WAR is McCains answer to most every crises.

Wish my crystal ball had not dropped while moving, it would be SO helpful to know what the future holds after November...a continuation of the current status quo (a McBush administration) or a gradual return (though long uphill climb I am sure) to intelligent governing, to a restoration of all the rights we have lost. Just 3 short months from now I'll be looking back at this post and either be celebrating - or weeping!

Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. ~Author Unknown


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