Thursday, November 25, 2010

We were up early this morning (5 am) to shower, dress and make the drive to the Taft Camp to visit Corey this Thanksgiving Day. He'd asked we come early, right at 8 am when the visitation hall opened, and we were there promptly. Corey was wanting to have a shorter visit today so he could join his friends in the chow hall for the turkey dinner that was being served, and we were happy to get to spend the morning with him, and then send him off to a good meal. Maybe twice a year a really decent meal is put out at the camp, on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. It was rumored "REAL" turkey was being served, you know, sliced from the bird itself...not the processed, loaf style, loaded with MSG and other preservatives that would normally be served. Real turkey and all the fixins, can't beat that! In fact as Rod and I were taking our leave, just before noon, one of the guards was telling me he'd just come from having his lunch at the chow hall and the meal was pretty damn good! Yes, real turkey, and all the goodies, including a pumpkin dessert. Almost good enough to write home about. So it was nice knowing our son was headed over to a great culinary experience, by prison standards that is. Did my heart good.
As I said earlier, Corey had asked we arrive promptly at 8 so we could have a nice long conversation to start our holiday. And we were there ... but where was our son??? The minutes ticked past...5, 10, 15...I was thinking "What THIS time?" (remembering last fridays little "failure to communicate")...when in he comes looking slightly rumpled with a sheepish smile, like he'd just drug himself out of bed! Well thats precisely what he had done LOL...he'd slept in. Something he's never, in these past 6 years, done! Not on a visiting day. He explained how he'd opened his eyes upon awakening, then shut them, then it hit him with a jolt that he had a visit! He said he literally bounded off his cot, raced to the showers, threw a quick iron over his t-shirt, tossed on his clothes as he ran thru the unit for the door! We had to laugh, he looked dazed and confused and a little rumpled to boot...but a sight for sore eyes nonetheless!
Turns out the reason for his sleeping in was a late night last night....whipping up several cheesecakes for a goodbye dinner party for a buddy tonite. Corey has become quite the little chef since entering the prison gates at Taft. Over the years I've adapted (to fit the ingredients he's able to purchase off commissary, and to be cooked in a microwave vs a stove or oven) and sent him many recipes, including cheesecake recipes. He perfected his cheesecake recipe and is "famous" in the unit, for these superb cheesecakes he makes. We're talking 4 inches tall, thick, NY style, in an array of flavors, including chocolate mocha, peanut butter/chocolate swirl, snickers candy bar, etc...His friends I've met in visitation attest to his skills, tell me they are the best they've ever had! I look forward to sampling one myself, but will have to wait another 3 years to do so.
We had a really fun time together today, us Three Muskateers. Lots of interesting conversation (the news, books we're reading - in particular one Corey is currently reading called The Disappearing Spoon -football hi lites, family updates and funny stories), lots of teasing and laughing, the time passed far too quickly and before we knew it we were hugging our son and reluctantly taking our leave. But we left him with a big smile on his face, anticipating the good meal ahead, some great football games and the big party later in the day. Like Corey says, "Let the good times roll!" LOL
None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy. ~Fred De Witt Van Amburgh


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