Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I was recently reading an article on Care2's website about bottled water.
I have known about some of the reasons to not purchase bottled water and have mostly cut out purchasing and consuming bottle water myself. The reasons are ones we've all read and heard about in the past few years, toxins in the plastic containers, the fact most of the water is simply tap water that we are paying ridiculous, exhorbitant prices for, MUCH more than what comes out of your own tap although thats the source of most bottled water, the fact that hundreds of thousands of the empty plastic bottles are trashed every day and we now have a virtual plastic "stew" floating in our ocean that is twice the size of Texas...and growing daily!

But there is one other reason to stop buying bottled water that is equally if not more important - bottled water represents a novel form of privatization, in which private corporations have succeeded at making water a commodity. To quote the author of the piece i read from Care2, "water is more a “right” than it is a commodity. And private corporations should have no more control over the selling of water than they do the selling of our air supplies. Well, this is already occurring to some extent as corporations make a profit selling water — which at times even makes water less available to the people living in the area." The article goes on to state even public water supplies are being increasingly taken over by private corporations, and in some areas of the world are up for grabs by the highest bidder.

For more information comparing bottled water to tap water, and the scam this business is, just google away. You'll be amazed at all the info thats readily available. One really good article, and the source of my blog today is:

"We never know the worth of water till the well is dry". ~Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732


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