Friday, February 10, 2006

Packing away the kayaks after a particulary hairy day on Whitestone lake. We'd gotten off work, made the maybe half hour drive up to this lake, launched our boats and headed out on a quiet peaceful lake. We'd spent maybe an hour exploring the lake, watching the ducks and birds, several jumping fish (was that time of day), cutting back and forth across the lake, when a sudden gale came up. Thinking it would blow on by, hoping really, as we weren't ready to come in quite yet, we did however moved just offshore. But as the waves grew more and more turbulent, and it was more and more difficult to cut our way through them I waved to Rod I was heading back in. He followed me, and I have to say I was getting a little uneasy. But after a good strenuous half hour paddle we got back to the docking area where our truck was parked. Once in we relaxed and watched the sun set. Then packed up our boats, and made a slow drive back home. A nice way to end the day, completely left our world of work behind, got our blood up a bit, then had a nice post "workout" cool-down :)


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