Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"Total Eclipse of the heart"...oops, I mean "MOON!" - October 27 th of 2004 as viewed from a bluff overlooking Washington and 8th Ave in Spokane, Wa.

It was an oh-so-cold evening, the frost was most definitely on the 'proverbial pumpkin', as a mismatched dozen or so of us gathered to observe the quiet spectacle unfold late in the evening. This was a 'total' lunar eclipse, the last total lunar eclipse visible from the entire continental United States occurred on Nov 9th, 2003. North Americans will not have an opportunity to see another 'total' lunar eclipse as well placed as the October 2004 event until February 21, 2008.


At 7:16 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I watched this eclipse also. How funny, we looked at the same moon at the same time...

I love your writing, I look so forward to reading your new entries, so keep it up! You have a great way with words.


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