Monday, April 02, 2007

"Tuesday, afternoon. I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way" Anyone else remember the Moody Blues??? Anyways their music would have been the perfect backdrop for our visit sunday (even tho it wasn't a tuesday). It was one of those perfect days, sun & sea mist in your face, cries of the gulls over head, scent of Splash Cafe's world famous clam chowder wafting down main street...

Derek was here for a few days, it was wonderful seeing him again. Amy has a new job so stayed behind with the grandkids, we missed having them with us. Picture is of me and Derek looking out to sea off the Pismo Wharf, commenting on how small an ocean can make one feel, stretching endlessly to the "end of the world".

"The journey is my home."--Muriel Rukeyser (I love this, it is so fitting for Rod and I these years)


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