Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let it rain, let it rain!

I believe we've had more rain in the past two months here in Taft, than we have had in the past five years combined! Lord knows we need it with the ongoing drought in California.

As I drove along Hwy 119 from Taft to Bakersfield the other day the vast vistas, usually so brown and sparse were lush and green, with what "appears" to be little mini-lakes dotting the countryside. In fact when my sons fiancee flew into Bakersfield recently, after picking her up at the Bakersfield airport, as we drove this route to Taft, she mentioned how as she flew in she was astonished to look down and see the many bodies of water, the hundreds of lakes dotting the landscape! It was only then, she realized what those "lakes" were....all the standing water on the ground from the recent rainfalls!

It won't last, but for now we are enjoying the greenest, most lovely spring in the past many years. I am curious to see what awaits us this summer...hotter than ever temperatures (we average 115 - 120 degrees July through September here)...yikes...or perhaps something milder.

Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. ~Kin Hubbard


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