Monday, January 23, 2012

I was watching Morning Joe earlier this morning, there was a segment about the Food Network, and the various shows that basically tout unhealthy foods to viewers. Paula Deen was targeted, her high caloric, fat laden recipes, and the fact that she kept her own diabetes diagnoses hidden (she remained "a closet diabetic" for 3 yrs before coming" clean" to her viewers), and is an actual SPOKESPERSON for a Diabetes medication! I have to say I myself, once a fairly regular viewer of her cooking show, was incredulous and disappointed and no longer include her program when I TIVO. Trillions of dollars will be spent on obesity issues BY TAXPAYERS yet too many continue to profit on the ongoing causes of the disease. Paula, to her credit, does say to eat (her foods) in moderation, but still, to me, this remains an overall problem, that the food networks profit from pushing high fat, unhealthy foods to viewers.

It seems recently in the news even Jamie Olivers latest cookbook was ranked one of 2011's "most unhealthy" cookbooks out there! I was SO disappointed ot hear this, having followed Jamie's efforts to get the LA schools to serve healthier foods in their school cafeterias. The hypocrisy is everywhere it seems. Seems its ALWAYS about the $$$.

All in all it comes down to we must ALL take personal responsibility for our own, and our family's health. There is enough information available through books (free libraries), magazines, and online, that there is really no excuse to not do that with minimal effort. Sadly it seems bad food is now "cheaper" food, that its become less expensive to fill our bellies with cheap, fast food, and over processed packaged foods, than it is natural, healthier foods. Coupled with the fact we are living in troubled, tough, economic times, people are being forced to make choices they might not make under other circumstances.

"In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired"
. ~Author Unknown


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