Tuesday, September 25, 2012

You Never Know

Not long ago Corey, in one of his daily emails, wrote that he’d been approached by a new fellow at the Camp, giving his name and telling Corey he’d been looking forward to meeting him because he had been reading his mothers (mine!) blog, Californiamama. Corey was really surprised but thought it was pretty cool! So did I! You just never know when you navigate this global highway that is the internet, just who might thumb a ride!

I’ve been keeping this blog for about 8 years now, only starting it so I’d have a journal of sorts, complete with pictures, to show Corey once he was out, that he might enjoy reading, of our time spent here in southern Cali, this journey our family is on. My memory isn’t the best, and even going back, and re-reading posts from years back, there is much I’ve forgotten, but the posts brings back all the occasions, all the memories of the time. The young man told Corey he came across my Blog as he was searching for information that might help him, he had been sentenced to prison and was anxious to find out as much as he could in advance. He had at first found some reference to me and my blog on the website Prison Talk Online (PTO), where many years back I had posted questions and at other times answers to others entangled in the justice/prison system. It’s a wonderful reference site, with excellent information, posts, you name it, for both State and Federal prisoners families, ex-offenders, and those soon to be entering the prison system.

Anyways, from there, this young man, anxious to learn all he could that might help him prepare him for the journey into the prison world that he was about to enter, found my blog and began to follow it, telling Corey those posts where I wrote about my visits with him, and about the prison system, did indeed help prepare him for what lay ahead, gave him some degree of comfort apparently. I am happy if I was able to help ease in any small way the fears and anxieties this young man was feeling, as he faced the prospect of perhaps years away from his wife and newborn baby. I haven’t yet met him, but hope to on one of our visits over to Lompoc. I saw him last weekend, Corey pointed him out as he came into the visitation room and into the welcoming arms of his wife and small baby. I didn’t want to interrupt their private, too short but oh so special time together but hopefully will have an opportunity to make his acquaintance another time, they look like a lovely young family. I agree with a comment I had read from a woman to anothers post, "We never know who's life we can influence, inspire, and give some hope to."- Sandy Beals

Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning.” ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com


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