Saturday, February 11, 2006

This was one of those "perfect" days. Mid summer, off work for the day and leaving all my problems behind..."fix your problems by forgetting they are problems". So simple.

This little "pond" is actually a widening in the river as I'd leave GoosePoop Park and head north to the open lake. The water lilies have taken over and the peace and beauty one comes upon stops the breath. Lots of big, fat frogs, lazy catfish & curious bass poking their noses through the glass sheet just because "its there". A friend & co-worker from my old workplace lives in a little house on an apple orchard, right off the banks of this river, in fact just a short bit before this. Some summer days we'd pass she and her husband as they worked, clearing their river bank, wave, chat a bit, before drifting into this magic garden. How lovely to have instant, easy access, to this beautiful little spot in the world. Not to be taken for granted Patty. I wonder if she is still there?


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