Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I'm listening to Christmas carols being sung on my radio, and as I sing along "Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow..." I can't help substituting the words above.

And another song comes to mind. Do you remember the 70's hit "It never rains in California"?....the tell-all is the end of the sentence ..."but girl, don't they warn ya, it POURS, man it pours!" Such is the case here in our corner of aka sunny, southern california. I have not see this much rain in the 6 years we have been living here. The pool in the back yard is almost full to the brim, and still it rains. I asked my husband if we need to start preparing the sandbags! He tells me the way the concrete patio is angled any overflow will run down and into the grates whisking it away.
I had some shopping to do yesterday and this picture (not mine) is easily one someone could have taken of me! Well, different car, different street, but as I turned the corner from our cul-de-sac and headed up the street I drove through a virtual lake! And to think not that long ago I believe I was bragging on here about sunny days and blooming roses! That'll teach me!
However it does seem to finally be letting up after 4 days. It actually stops now and then a few times during the day. Yesterday, tuesday, it eased up just long enough for the sun to come out, the grass to dry a tad, and my lawn-care fellow to show up and mow and clean up all the fallen leaves. Shortly after he was done it started to rain again. In reading the papers I see LA, just 2 hours to the south, has been having a time of it as well..."After days of relentless rain, Southern California residents are anxiously eyeing already saturated mountainsides denuded by wildfires. Forecasters expected more rain across the state today, but the focus clearly was on Southern California where a monster storm was expected to bring torrential rain, thunderstorms, flooding, hail and possible tornadoes and water spouts. Forecasters warned of possible rainfall rates of 0.75 inch to 1 inch an hour and thunderstorm rates of 2 inches an hour in the region. Steady rain began falling late Tuesday and was expected to intensify into early today."

Weather is a great metaphor for life - sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella. ~Terri Guillemets


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