Tuesday, September 25, 2012


We subscribe to email alerts and articles from Courage Campaign, an online organizing network that empowers more than 750,000 grassroots and netroots activists to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country. As a leading multi-issue advocacy organization, Courage Campaign's work is supported by thousands of small donations from our diverse community. Today I received this email which I wanted to post, in hopes some who may read this pass it forward, and those who are eligible to vote and have not yet registered to please do so. The coming election is a very important one, the policies of the two party's vary widely, and if you will not exercise your vote, to try to change the things you can, then do not complain after the fact.

From Sarah Callahan,CEO Courage Campaign:

Did you know that Californians can now register to vote online? It’s true, and it couldn’t have happened in a more important year.

My five year old son, Jack, is a wizard with my smart phone, even he could register on it. But he won't be eligible to do so for a good 13 years. For his sake and all the other kids whose futures are at stake, please take 90 seconds and register.

Whether it was Kamala Harris winning the Attorney General race by less than 1% in 2010 or Prop 72 -- which would have provided near universal health coverage -- losing by less than 1% in 2004, a handful of progressive voters can decide an election. So, elections often come down to who is registered.

As you read this, 6.5 million eligible California are NOT registered to vote. If you're one of them, change that fact in 90 seconds with brand new, online voter registration.

Already registered? Send an email to someone you know who might not be. Did they recently move? Did they just turn 18? Do they always intend to register but never find the time to locate a form and get it in the mail? California just solved your problem, and anyone with a driver's license or other form of state ID can take part.

Unsure if you're registered? Register anyhow. If you're already registered at your current address, you won't be registered twice and there's no penalty.

Today is National Voter Registration Day. Take this moment to make a difference by registering yourself or making sure someone else does.

In 2008, six million Americans couldn’t vote because they missed the registration deadline. Don't let this happen to anyone you know!

Winning this year will mean a dramatic victory in our fight to reclaim California from corporate power. Passing Prop 30 will refund education by asking the top 2% to pay their fair share. A yes on Prop 37 will give you the right to know what's in your food, rather than enshrining Monsanto's right to corporate profits. And defeating Prop 32 will stop corporate lobbyists and SuperPACs from buying our democracy and silencing the voices of working people.


Yours in the fight for a better California,

Sarah Callahan, Chief Operating Officer
Courage Campaign

Paid for by Courage Campaign Issues Committee.


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