Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mission Beach, San Diego

While Rod worked today I enjoyed a perfect summer day....slept in till after 9 am, relaxed with coffee out on our hotel rooms private patio (The Bahia), then meandered over to the beach to stroll Mission Beach's endless shoreline.

Oh perfect day! The surfers were surfing, tourists sunbathing, little children building sandcastles in the sand (well, there arent any in these pictures, but trust me, they WERE out there...
....and me, well I was searching each incoming wave for a new and special shell to add to my collection.

Every time the waves rolled in these little guys would rush up to dry land, then as the waves receded they'd rush, all together, team effort, back down with it, gobbling up what it might have left in its wake, then do a quick turnabout and ruch back up to dry land as the next waves rolled in...and on and on and on it went...pretty cute to watch.
I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering. ~Steven Wright


At 9:57 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

Love the birds!


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