Friday, October 27, 2006

How I loved this asian water feature in Manito Park (Spokane, WA). Simplicity in itself. One day I will duplicate it in another garden, another home, another place.

Eliminate physical clutter. More importantly, eliminate spiritual clutter ~ D.H. Mondfleur

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lunch at Splash Cafe in Pismo was a must, best clam chowder ever! Served in a crusty sourdough bowl.

A slow waddle across the street for dessert - double chocolate marshmallow coffee almond brickle or sensational wild strawberry peanut butter fudge ripple??? Or ...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The pelicans have returned to Pismo Beach!

I overheard another sightsee-er stating she came to view them every year at this time and this was the greatest number she had ever seen. They were everywhere!! On every available rock and surface above the water.

A stop at Morro Bay for amazingly fresh fish and "extra garlicky" fries was a treat for Grandma. October is definitely the time to be sightseeing these wonderful California coastal towns - no crowds! In the little shops behind us she and her friend found delightful souvenirs for friends back home at amazing "off season" values!

The little church in the park at San Simeon begs to have it's picture taken. Majestic Hearst Castle sits high on the hill in the distance, a mere 15 minute ride by tour bus to the top. (Enlarge picture to get a better view.)

What is it with Grandmas and berries? "Nope Irene, not ready for pickin yet."

Further up the coast from San Simeon "the girls" thrilled to the sight of Elephant Seals frolicking in the waves and tossing sand on each other on the crowded beach!

Our visit to the Hearst Castle was shrouded in mist this time, but that leant it an air of even more mystery of bygone times. Grandma was in awe, as every new glimpse of the opulence and majesty was revealed.

Jump down, turn around, pick a bale of cotton! Grandma couldn't resist, she had never seen the fluffy stuff on the branch in its original form before.