Friday, November 09, 2012


NOT to be confused with ATM, this would actually be considered a “reverse” ATM, LOL. As I read more about the looming “fiscal cliff” we are suddenly hearing so about, now that the elections are over, I read that “provisions that limit the reach of the “AMT” and cut payroll taxes are scheduled to expire at the end of the year.” I have to admit I wasn’t as informed as I should be with the AMT and at first ignored it, passing over it as I'd read recent news articles warning of this eminent year end crises our country faces. But then I did my homework and utilized the wonderful resource we have in Google, and did a quick search.

What I learned about the AMT is it stands for The Alternative Minimum Tax. It seems that back in January of 1969 the Congress was informed of a small elite group of 155 individual taxpayers with incomes exceeding $200,000 ( a LOT back then) who had paid NO income taxes in 1966. Well this caused a political ‘firestorm’ as Congress received more angry letters from constituents about this than they did about the Vietnam War! Acting faster than we could ever imagine Congress today acting, within the year Congress had remedied the situation, enacting a minimum tax to prevent wealthy individuals from taking advantage of tax loopholes to limit their tax liability to the Federal Govt.

Well back then this tax applied to a small number of americans by and large. Today, 40 yrs later, the number affected by this tax has risen to 31 million, as income levels along with inflation have risen. The way the tax works is that those applicable individuals must figure their tax liability twice, one using the regular formulation everyone else uses, and then again, under AMT rules. If liability under the AMT rules is greater they must pay the difference in what is called a surcharge, or the ‘AMT’. Before you think these fortunate top earners are being punished by such measures, consider most retain lawyers, accountants and Brokers who have made an artform out of finding /utilizing loopholes and tax ‘shelters’ to limit the federal tax liability they ‘should’ be paying.

For a clearer, more precise indication of where the burden of taxes falls MOST heavily, you can see by charts put together by independent groups like Citizens for Tax Justice that analyze such things, when you look at total taxes paid (federal, state and local) most Americans are paying between 25 percent and 30 percent of their income (far more than the 13.9 percent Mitt Romney paid in 2011).

However, getting back to the AMT, the Bush tax cuts that immensely benefited mostly the wealthy for so long, are currently scheduled to expire at the end of 2012 (I consider that a good thing) as well as provisions that have cut payroll taxes but more importantly those laws that have, to date, limited the reach of the AMT. In this economy, THIS is what most middle class americans should be thinking about, informing themselves about, as our Govt searches for solutions to fix the looming fiscal cliff crises at the end of the year.

As opined by Dave at, “while tax increases and spending cuts would reduce the size of the national deficit, most economists feel as though the sudden changes would plunge the country into another recession, especially given the fact that the country has been so dependent on fiscal stimulus over the past number of years.” This is just one viewpoint, but I like to consider them all. I personally have come to feel tax increases overall are a necessary evil with what we face, spending cuts must be tempered with income, balance must be achieved, and I have no problem paying more, making adjustments in our personal spending as may needs be, just so long as the wealthiest, more fortunate among us, who have utilized the resources we ALL pay for (roads,highways, utilities, etc) to create and grow their incomes, do indeed pay their FAIR share.

Let us hope after the past 4 years of a do-nothing congress, in the aftermath of this election, where “the people” have clearly indicated their preference for which direction to take the country, our Govt can move beyond partisan bickering and stallwarting, and do their job.

Thursday, November 08, 2012


Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Obama Victory 2012

My husband and I sat and watched the election results slowly come in last night. I had started the night not overly optimistic, having heard for weeks news of voter disenfranchisement, thousands and thousands of voters discovering they’d been placed on inactive lists (and not being allowed to vote), Republicans in Ohio purging well over 300,000 voters in the state off the rolls just ahead of the election, the news of Romney family investments (in a very round about way) in Ohio’s electronic voting machines through it's interest in H.I.G. Capital, phone calls to voters election day informing them the election had been rescheduled for the next day…the republicans shenanigans went on and on. I was SO worried the Republicans would steal this election, they had vested SO much money and resources into making sure they would take control of the White House.

At the same time I was watching the Presidential elections play out I had another eye on my computer, with an ear plug in one ear, as I watched a live feed from Pot TV (B.C., Canada) as they tracked incoming status of three other extremely important measures on the Oregon, Washington and Colorado ballot having to do with the legalization of recreational marijuana! The results of one or more of these measures would make history, as far as the long standing drug war in this country.

I cannot tell you the level of excitement and euphoria as Colorado’s results came in …PASSED! Recreational cannabis, purchasing, using and growing, are now legal in Colorado. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears! The first step in the end of drug prohibition! Stunning news! This is how prohibition of liquor ended, one state at a time. Half an hour later we learned the results from Washington State –PASSED! I couldn’t help but consider the hypocrisy, the insanity, that within a years time my son would be released from prison, and return to a state where he was convicted of selling cannabis, punished for breaking federal laws with 12 ½ years of prison. It was disappointing to learn late that night the Oregon measure failed. But I am buoyed with optimism now, that the evil and draconian laws that fill our prisons with hundreds of thousands of our citizens, that came into being in my lifetime, will end in my lifetime.

All of a sudden the tv screen exploded into wild applause and palpable excitement…Ohio’s electoral college results had just come in, giving the sitting President his victory! Obama would go on to win the Popular vote as well. Rod and I were overjoyed! We felt as if we had been pulled back from the precipice, our relief at knowing the plutocrats had not been successful in buying this election, was enormous!

For all the right reasons the Republican Party did not win this election. For all the right reasons the Democrats did. By and large Rod and I are independants, we remain just left of center, and have been sorely disappointed in some of Obamas governing, not enacting a single payer option to the ACA, not ending the Bush Tax cuts, for example, but the thought of putting back in to power the very party that was by and large fully responsible for bringing about our country’s economic Armageddon, seemed pure insanity….by definition (to quote Albert Einstein), repeating the same thing and expecting different results.

So what does this Democratic win mean to me, personally? Well aside from the fact I believe in Obama’s economic policies far more than I do the Republicans, it means the extremists that would criminalize abortion, that would take away a womans right to choose, the right to make decisions that pertain to her and her alone regarding her own body, as well as a right to equal pay, nondiscrimination in the workplace, well, they will have to wait another 4 years to try again to steal that right from us.

And so we move forward. It remains to be seen if there will be cooperation between the parties, both claim to reach across the isle, I have seen more of that from the Democrats these past 4 years, while the Republicans claim it’s the Democrats who will not compromise. All one has to do is google to see the lack of truth in that!

Monday, November 05, 2012


I got this in my email just a few minutes ago (because I subscribe to Michael Moore's website) and it resonated with me so wanted to post it/share it, remember it, in the future...after we've finished with this election and are dealing with its consequences, good or bad. We have already mailed in our ballots but I know several people who say they don't plan to vote this tuesday, they are tired of the campaign ads, they are feeling disenfranchised and that their vote won't make a difference...and after all we've heard about how Ohio will decide the next President. If thats the case why waste their time? But if you read Michaels letter, perhaps you'll understand why you are needed, why your vote is so important tomorrow. And whats at stake. Its as they say..."People will always get the Government they deserve."

Letter to a Non-Voter ...from Michael Moore

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

To my friend who is not voting on Tuesday:

I get it – and I don't blame you. You're fed up and you could care less whether Tweedledee or Tweedledumber wins on Tuesday – because on Wednesday, your life will be the same, unchanged, regardless who is president. Your mortgage will still be underwater. You will still owe $50,000 on your student loan. Your son will still be in Afghanistan. Your daughter will still be working two jobs to make ends meet. And gas will still be at $4.

Four years ago you gave in and voted – and you voted for Obama. You wanted to believe he would go after the Wall Street crooks who crashed the economy – but instead the banks that were "too big to fail" four years ago are now even bigger and more dangerous. You thought there'd be universal health care – but the new law only went so far (with most of it not taking effect until 2014). You were tired of war and homeland security measures that violated our civil liberties – but we're still in Afghanistan, we're sending in drones to Pakistan and basic constitutional rights to privacy and a fair trial have been ignored. And you thought you'd have a middle-class, good-paying job like your dad had – but you didn't know that Goldman Sachs was Obama's #1 private campaign donor in 2008, and well, he was beholden to corporate America in more ways we cared to think about. 

So, I get it why you've had it with all these politicians and elections. In the end, it doesn't really seem to be our country any more. It's run by those who can buy the most politicians to do their bidding. Our schools are made a low priority and women are still having to fight for just the basic human rights we thought they already had.

So, it's hard for me to ask you for this very personal favor. It's OK if you say "no," but I'm hoping you don't.

I cannot believe it is possible that, after a group of rich plutocrats wrecked the economy, threw people out of work and stole our future, we may actually hand the keys to our country over to...a rich Republican plutocrat who made millions by throwing people out of work! This is insane, and despite all the legitimate criticisms of Obama, he is nothing like the tsunami of hate and corporate thievery that will take place if Mitt Romney is president. As bad as it feels now, it will only get worse. I need your help to stop this.

I can't promise you that your life will get better, easier under Barack Obama. I do think he cares and I know for sure that if the other guy is sitting in the Oval Office, I can guarantee you that not only will your life not get better, it will get much, much worse. Don't take my word for it. Just ask your parents what life was like before a 30-year pillage by the Republicans of the middle class. Your parents bought a house and eventually owned it outright. They weren't in debt. College was free. They bought a new car every 3 or 4 years. They took vacations and were home for dinner by 5 or 6 PM. They had a savings account in the bank. They didn't live in fear of not knowing if they'd even have a job next year. 

That's all gone. I don't know if we can get it back, but I do know that Mr. Romney would love the chance to complete the final elimination of the middle class and the American Dream. 

He must be stopped. Take 20 minutes on Tuesday and go vote. If you don't want to do it for your country, then do it for me! It's the only favor I'll ever ask of you.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know that you care, and care deeply, about your future and your kids' future. You have every right to be cynical about all this. And you hold the power to stop the bastards who plan on squeezing every last dime out of you that they can. Take a stand. And make a statement to those who are hoping against hope that you'll stay home on Tuesday. Your presence at the polls is what they fear most.

Go scare the s**t out of them! For me.

Michael Moore


Seems these new “fog counts” (well ‘new’ so far as our experience goes…they started them up 6 weeks ago and haven’t missed a Saturday since) continue to delay and disrupt our weekly visits. We suspected as we neared the coast this past Saturday and encountered heavy fog that odds were they would insist on the addition of another standing count, besides the 10 am Count.

When we pulled into the Camp parking lot at 7:50 am, having arisen at 4 am, left the house just after 5 am to make the long drive over, there were 3 “parties” of visitors standing in line already. The first in line a lovely woman who drives up from LA every Saturday to visit, a Hispanic husband and wife, and a man (looked professorial) our age with a younger boy (son or grandson more likely?), around 10 yrs old perhaps. The boy seemed wise beyond his years, and with more patience than most his peers I sense, considering how the morning played out.

Visitation processing doesn’t begin until 8:30 am, but within a few more minutes at least 10 more ‘parties’ of visitors had arrived and stood in the line behind us, in the damp, cold fog of the parking lot. Around 8:25 three officious prison guards appeared, telling us we’d all have to leave, they were doing a fog line count. In the past 2 or 3 occasions we’ve been allowed to go back to our cars and wait until the count cleared. Not today, it seemed they sent a regular ‘swat’ team to clear us out. We asked when we could return and were simply told when the fog lifts…half an hour or 2 hrs, who knew?

The problem is there is nowhere we are ‘allowed’ to park to be close by to observe when the fog lifts at this camp. The camp sits in a ‘depression’, lower ground level, than all the surrounding area, we can be 5 miles away in the town of Lompoc and its sunny and clear, while at the prison it is fog enshrouded. We did note that over at the adjacent “medium” security prison, a ‘higher security level” facility, they were allowing the visitors to remain in their vehicles until the count cleared. But at this MINIMUM security “Camp” they insisted, for “security reasons” that we all leave. Go figure.

So it was off to Starbucks where a few of us enjoyed coffees and conversation together to pass the time, heading back after an hour to check status. Nope, still turning folks away. My husband decided to drive back into town to check out some Car Lots, while I joined Cindy, a new friend, in her car, and we left to find a place to park, where we could hopefully keep an eye on the entrance to the Camp Visitation lot. We knew where we opted to wait out the fog was no doubt ‘not permitted’ as it was still on prison property, in fact directly across the hwy in a field for that matter, but that vantage point allowed us a clear view of the driveway down to the Camp parking lot. We figured when we STOPPED seeing new visitors arrive, head down the drive, and then return having been booted out, we’d know we could chance it again. The anxiety and frustration that comes with this now seemingly routine addition to our already early and long waits, is that anyone ‘newly’ arriving, would take our places at the head of the line to get in. UNLESS we returned early enough and ASSERTED our place in the line. Regardless of our reclaiming our ‘rightful’ place in line, or as close to it as possible, it always adds to bad feelings amongst other newly arrived guests, who don’t realize what we’d had to go thru prior to their even newly arriving!

Cindy and I watched car after car after car, of more new visitors arriving, make the long drive down to the parking lot, only to return and head off in one direction or another, confused as to where to go, and for how long. Several of the returning vehicles noted where Cindy and I had parked, and pulled up to form a line behind us. We were laughing, but wishing they wouldn’t do this, it only drew attention to where we were parked, undoubtedly not permitted! And we then all risked being ordered off the property! About an hour passed, uneventfully thank goodness, and we then saw my husband return from town, signaling he was going to head down to the lot. He, and 3 rigs ahead of him that had just newly arrived, never returned! Cindy and I quickly started the car, and drove across the main highway, to slowly drive (speed limit there is 5 mph!) back to the Lot. We felt like the Pied Piper, as the long line that had formed behind us followed! It truly resembled a parade!

The wait line re-formed, as the parking lot filled to capacity. At this point, it was now 9:45 am, and a guard came to tell us it would be a while yet as the 10 o’clock standing count was now in process! Right on the heels of the ‘fog count’ that had just ended! I have to tell you, its only after almost 9 years of dealing with this type of in-the-box thinking that we’ve learned the patience of Job! It hasn’t been easy. Now we can mostly laugh at the absurdity of it all. Mostly!

OK, so finally they manage to ‘clear’ the count. It is now 11 am, my husband and I left our house at 5 am, as per our weekly visiting routine. Several of the other visitors we knew had made longer drives, like from San Diego, San Francisco or Fresno, having had to leave at 2 or 3 am to get a good spot in the line. But for us, we’ve by now invested 6 hrs into this visit, and we are still not even in the building! To make matters worse, we see there is a new “temp” guard at the computer this morning. And clearly he does not know the computer program he is required to use to process each and every visitor, to assure the inmate is approved to have visitors, that each particular visitor has been ‘approved’ to visit, that the inmate has enough ‘points’ for a visit, etc . And so we wait, and wait, as the long slow minutes pass, 20 minutes before even the first visitor in the door gets cleared.

We see another guard arrive on-scene, and soon realize the new dilemma we face that delays visitation even longer. As these two guards try unsuccessfully to figure out the computer program, a 3rd guard arrives to hopefully offer knowledgeable assistance as well. Its almost comical its so ridiculous. The temp staff member had the last 4 hrs, during which the counts were being done, where no doubt he just sat and drank coffee and chatted with other staffers, to have instead, perhaps familiarized himself with the computer program he was going to need to use! No matter how short notice he was given re filling in, he DID have those hrs at least. Its been my experience, that ONLY in Government jobs, and in particular Prison jobs, do we see this level of staff mentality, this ‘could give a damn, it all pays the same’ attitude (well, except for at Walmart in the private sector!). Few private business would tolerate this level of apathetic behavior in their employees. There are far too many others, waiting in line for jobs, that are overqualified even, and would gladly 'overcompensate' given the chance, these days, to have such a position, with the job benefits Govt jobs offer in addition to the decent pay. Yet the prison system is rife with lackluster employees, its almost like it’s a prerequisite to the job. If only the taxpayer had a vague idea even of how their hard earned tax dollars are being spent!

So by noon, a full 8 hrs since Rod and I arose this morning to prepare for our day with our son, to make the long drive, and wait the endless wait in line, we finally were sitting face to face with Corey. That left us only 3 hrs of visitation left of the allotted 7 ½ for the day. Was it worth it? Always. Had we only an hour with our son, it is worth it. Fortunately, in these many past years that visitation has been a weekly part of our lives, we’ve not had to deal with this level of incompetence, though memories of having prepared for visits at Taft Low, and arriving only to be told there would be no visitation that day, that the prisoners were all on Lock Down (for whatever reason) do resurface. But it is what it is. I suppose we should be grateful the BOP, Bureau of Prisons, firmly believes, and in fact it is stated in the very first paragraph of their Program Statement re Policies on Visitation:
[PURPOSE AND SCOPE §540.40. The Bureau of Prisons encourages visiting by family, friends, and community groups to maintain the morale of the inmate and to develop closer relationships between the inmate and family members or others in the community. The Warden shall develop procedures consistent with this rule to permit inmate visiting.”

I shudder to think what visitation could be like without the Bureau’s stated understanding and compassionate belief of just how important these visits for prisoners are!

"Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows." ~ David T. Wolf