Thursday, June 19, 2008

"The smoking oil well" (coined by Keith Olbermann)...FINALLY out in the open today...the real reason (the one most of us figured out years ago) we went into Iraq emerges....4 western oil giants, Exxon Mobile, Shell, BP and Total, along with Chevron and a few smaller companies (get in line) are now in Iraq to sign on for "no bid" contracts securing oil rights. I guess they figured enough years have passed, its safe (politically leastways) to go in! Now its patently clear why McCain (and his buddy Bush) has been fervently throwing reasons out there as to WHY we CAN'T LEAVE!!! Remember that little comment about a "100 years"???
I'm sure most will recall how Bush helped "sell" his war with promises about how this war would virtually pay for itself, courtesy of Iraq's rich oil fields. Well I can't see us getting back our billions of warspent dollars and I expect neither can the Iraqi people expect to see a dime.

Friday, June 06, 2008

"The market is meeting its worst fears right now”

"Oil prices have reached the tipping point”

"worst losses in more than two months"

"unemployment rate in May increased the most in one month in 22 years"

In other words " The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

Signs of our times, courtesy of NYTimes (all except "the sky is falling!" I threw that in for good measure :)

It certainly does seem like the "perfect storm" has hit, time for all of us to really take stock, look deep within, and reassess our priorities and values, rethink our way of life, ponder how we have come to this in just a few short years, and prepare to live our lives very differently in the years ahead.