Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Its been a long time since I have sat down to write a new post. I'm hoping putting my inner thoughts and fears about what may soon be changing drastically re long ongoing attempts to reform our criminal justice system, with a new (Trump) Administration about to replace the current one in the White House, will somehow help assuage those anxieties today.
Until my family found ourselves tumbling down the 'rabbit hole' that leads to America's Prison World I admit I knew next to nothing about where we, as a nation, had evolved/devolved in regards to our criminal justice system, in particular in re the Governments 'War on Drugs', ongoing since Nixon officially declared it a 'war' in 1970. However, the ten year journey my son, my family embarked on, and survived, in the crazy, upside down netherworld that is America's Prison World, taught me more than I ever wanted to know, much of it how to live with the pain of having a loved one encarcerated, how to help that person live through the experience and come out on the other side as undamaged as possible, and prepared to begin a new, and hopefully a good and successful life. We have seen progress in reforms, mostly "proposed" reforms still in the works, as many in Congress, on both sides of the aisle, have come to realize the enormity of the problems created through mass encarceration, the unfairness of the minimum and mandatory sentencing structure, the cost, financial and in lives, to such a system. We have an entire Prison Industrial Complex, including Private-for Profit Prisons, run by private corporations, costing the tax payer Billions annually, but enriches the many individuals and corporations invested in warehousing human beings. However, the reforms, and "proposed' reforms that have taken so so long to come about, now face a very real and present danger.
With the results of the November election many fear that the reforms and hopes for reform will be stopped dead in their tracks. I read this interesting posting on Professor Bermans blog this morning (Sentencing Law and Policy), written by Bill Piper, and in it we are warned about what to expect going forward:
Monday, November 21, 2016

"Four Ways Drug Policy Reformers Must Play It Smart Under the Trump Administration"

The title of this post is the headline of this notable new commentary by Bill Piper, which gets started this way:

"I began working, advocating and lobbying for federal-level drug policy reform in Washington, DC in the last year of Bill Clinton’s presidency. I’ve continued to do so ever since: I was a loyal soldier in the war against the War on Drugs through eight years of George W. Bush and then eight years of Barack Obama. But now, with the election of Donald Trump, it feels like the work during those three presidencies was just basic training—the real challenge is just beginning.

Like many people, I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the very idea of Donald Trump as president. But what’s certain is that drug policy reformers are going to have to play it smart in the new era, and I do have some initial thoughts.

First, we’re in uncharted territory. We have never had a president like this—so far removed from establishment norms, openly promoting white supremacy, believing in and promoting wacko conspiracy theories. Complicating matters, he doesn’t seem to have fixed positions, rarely gives specifics and contradicts himself often. No one knows for sure what exactly to expect, but we should assume the worst.

His administration, which looks set to be staffed by drug-war extremists, could go after state marijuana laws. Instead of just opposing sentencing reform, they could push for new mandatory minimums. They might demonize drugs and drug sellers to build support for mass deportations and a wall. Trump’s law-and-order rhetoric could fundamentally alter the political environment, nationally and locally.

Right now there is a bipartisan consensus in favor of reducing incarceration—that consensus is in danger. We could be set back decades if we’re not careful. We need to rethink a lot of what we’ve been planning and think about how we message. And it’s more important than ever that we support our allies in other movements and stand strong for racial justice. We need to re-learn how to play defense."

*Bill Piper is the senior director of DPA’s office of national affairs in Washington, D.C., where he is responsible for developing and implementing strategies for ending the federal war on drugs. He lobbies Congress in support of cutting drug war waste, protecting state marijuana laws from federal interference, reforming draconian sentencing laws, re-structuring federal law enforcement agencies, and preventing drug overdoses and the spread of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C.

"War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense of his fellow man". ~Napoleon Hill

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The painfully slow beginnings of the end to Americas Drug War

Holder Slashes Civil Asset Forfeiture

On January 16, 2015, Bill Piper with the DPA (Drug Policy Alliance) wrote this:

"Eric Holder just issued a huge blow to the drug war. This is big.

Today the Justice Department barred local and state police from using federal law to seize a person's property without evidence of a crime.

That might sound odd, since you would assume that it was already illegal in America for police to take your property without due process - but you would be wrong. Originally pushed in the 1980s as a way to combat illegal drugs, civil asset forfeiture has become common throughout the country.

Today people all over America who are simply suspected of drug law violations can have their assets seized without any ability to defend themselves in a court of law. Even if they are never convicted, or even charged with a crime they can have their property, bank accounts, cars, and assets taken from them forever.

If this doesn’t enrage you, I don’t know what will.

Civil asset forfeiture is another ugly aspect of the drug war, and here at the Drug Policy Alliance we are making it a top issue in 2015.

If you stand with us tweet out your support now to end unjust civil asset forfeiture for good.

Today’s actions by Eric Holder are a good first step to ending the unjust enforcement of this program once and for all. But now Congress needs to pass legislation to make this change permanent."

Bill Piper is the director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance.

I was buoyed when I first read this last month, at least now,it appears, ONLY the FEDS can get away with STEALING our assets withOUT due process! Simply on 'suspicion'. Cynical as I remain re our Govt and its Drug War, this latest action by Holder IS a huge step towards justice reform. It remains to be seen if the local law pays any mind, and if there are consequences WHEN (notice I say WHEN not IF) they don't.

The first casualty when war comes is the truth.” – California Senator Hiram Johnson, 1917

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Mincemeat and Pig Fat

Yesterday Rod came home from the grocery store (the local Yokes Fresh Market) with a jar of mincemeat. Hint, hint. He loves mincemeat tarts and pies at holiday time, and it’s been part of a longstanding tradition with us. I remember the last few year being shocked at how expensive the fruity, pie and tart filling was getting…I could still recall spending $3 to $4 for a 24 oz jar or box…the condensed ‘box’ was generally slightly less in price, and had to be reconstituted…and yet here it was getting up in the $7 to $10 range. The jar Rod brought home yesterday cost $11. OUCH! Considering all you are getting is mostly some apples, raisins, sugar and spices, that’s pretty outrageous. ESPECIALLY when it is actually SO very easy and inexpensive to make oneself!

AND SO I decided it was long past time to start making my own mincemeat, from scratch. I spent some time googling the web and found several different sites with various recipes to find ones that most appealed to me. Like the mincemeat from the grocery, most all the recipes I found did not contain actual MEAT, as the name would imply, and actually I prefer that, though Rod likes me to add cooked, shredded beef sometimes, for old times sake! THAT is the mincemeat HE remembers growing up.

Well I ended up using about 3 different recipes, culling this and that from all three to make my own ‘personalized’ version of mincemeat, and oh my gosh, it is pretty spectacular if I do say so myself! Who knew! Mostly I mixed up in a big pot peeled, chopped apples (I used granny smiths), raisins, dates, cranberries, a chopped fresh orange, some sugar, and a ¼ cup of good brandy (Remy Martin VSOP) that I had hibernating in my pantry from my Ammex days. I cooked it for about 30 minutes, set it outside to fully cool, then filled my sterilized jars. I will keep it in the frig, its supposed to last a good long time, up to a year, but I will use all mine over this holiday season. Just fyi, the three, 24 oz jars it made will have cost me less than the one jar purchased at the grocery store. AND it is better tasting, and far, far more nutritious. That brandy I tossed in, a good quarter of a cup, added a nice deep, rich flavor that finished it off nicely. Many of the recipes didn't have brandy in the recipe, but instead listed apple cider which I imagine would be nice as well.

Speaking of rising food prices, has anyone noted the hike in the price of LARD! Probably not, its not exactly a staple, LOL. But I use it in my pie pastry recipe, always have, its my grandmothers recipe and makes THE best, flakiest pastry ever! In past years it has averaged around $2 or less for a l lb box. Currently it sells for $5 for a one lb box! For PIG FAT! I suppose it has something to do with the mid west and california drought, which affects the price of corn and feed for pigs, but there is more going on here than that, clearly. It feels to me like gouging, in times consumers can least afford it.

"When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste"
. ~Laiko Bahrs

Friday, November 14, 2014

JUST ONE MORE thought on the elections....I promise!

This cartoon was posted on Daily KOS yesterday ( ... a picture does indeed speak a thousand words. I agreed with many of the comments that accompanied this cartoon on KOS, one in particular stands out...see it alongside the cartoon.

"Politics is like driving. To go backward put it in R. To go forward put it in D."

I see in the news the Republican party is bent on, and no doubt WILL, repeal the ACA, leaving the 8 million who signed on for insurance drowning in their wake. Who will pick up the slack from all the soon to be 'uninsured' when they are forced to the emergency room for their care, at those highly escalated costs? If you were upset your premiums had risen because of the ACA, just wait till its repealed. Get ready to once again be denied coverage for 'pre-existing conditions', and higher than ever premiums in an industry whose unprecedented greed has made our healthcare a :privilege" for those who can pay, not a basic human 'right'.

I have to admit to being critical of the dems in how they campaigned in the last election, seemingly running FROM the President and all his accomplishments, rather than embracing and reminding the citizenry of all he saved us FROM. Clearly it needed to shouted from the rooftops as too many will not or have forgotten the state of the country back in 2008. Well, time to just sit and see where the party of No takes us in the next 4 years.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

AG Eric Holder: No More Super Mandatory Minimums to Punish Defendants Who Want a Trial

I am pleased to see reforms to this particularly horrendous practice routinely used by Federal Prosecutors (read below). When my son was being prosecuted back in 2004 the Prosecutor offered him one Plea deal, and believe me, it was no DEAL. Corey had to plead guilty to things he was not guilty of, as well as agree to longterm punishments in addition to his prison sentence (a monitary judgement that would affect his entire life post release). The ‘deal’ he signed was a ten year sentence (the manditory minimum sentence for the charges the prosecution leveled against him), which, at sentencing, the prosecutor upped to 12 1/2 years (!!), tacking on extra time for a few driving infractions he termed "past criminal history". Why, you might ask, would my son ever have signed such a plea ‘deal’ ? Because if he didn’t, IF he took the Govt to trial, as was his right under the constitution, the prosecutor promised he would see he got 25 yrs to life in prison if found guilty, and to ‘trust him’, he WOULD be found guilty.

With the minimum and mandatory sentencing structure all the power is in the prosecutors hands, he decides what charges to press, he decides the punishment, he is judge and jury. A first time, non violent marijuana offense and my son could still be wasting his life in prison had he turned down that plea, exercised his right to a trial. This has been Justice in America.

Thankfully we are FINALLY seeing the first slow beginnings toward reform and change, after decades and more of harsh, draconian sentencing policies that have created a bloated prison industrial complex and wasted the lives of millions. Heres the article from FAMM, dated October 1st:

Attorney General Eric Holder has issued a memo prohibiting prosecutors from using the threat of enhanced mandatory minimum sentences solely to force criminal defendants to plead guilty in drug trafficking cases. These super-sized mandatory minimums, called “section 851 enhancements,” allow prosecutors to ensure a defendant’s mandatory minimum sentence is doubled or even increased to life in prison.

“FAMM applauds the Attorney General’s repudiation of this heavy-handed practice,” said FAMM General Counsel Mary Price in a statement. “The trial penalty is intolerable. This guidance to prosecutors makes it quite clear that massively enhanced drug mandatory minimums may not be invoked absent cause. While the practice of threatening defendants with the trial penalty to induce them to plead guilty should be abandoned altogether, this is a good start.”
How the 851 enhancement works: If the prosecutor advises the court of its intention to “notice” a drug defendant’s prior convictions, the court must double the underlying mandatory minimum facing a defendant with one prior drug trafficking conviction. In some cases, if the defendant has two priors, the section 851 enhancement requires the court to impose a sentence of life in prison.

In short, the section 851 enhancement provides federal prosecutors complete discretion to seek, and requires judges to impose, life sentences for even non-violent drug offenders.
Prosecutors routinely used the section 851 threat to pressure defendants to plead guilty. If the defendant agrees to plead guilty, the government would not “notice” the priors and the defendant would serve the unenhanced mandatory minimum of five or ten years. If instead the defendant rejects the offer, goes to trial and is convicted, she suffers the “trial penalty,” and the section 851 enhancement transforms a sentence of five years into 10, a sentence of 10 years into 20, or even life without parole.

Northwest Autumn

How I love FALL in the NW! The cool and crisp clean air, the succulent colors! Yes, I have to say “succulent” because they are SO yummy! (a word my NRG teacher likes to use and is so appropriate!). I took a walk through Brownes Addition a few days ago with a friend and what a joy that was! We spent a few hours kicking our way through inches of brilliant, red, yellow and orange carpets of leaves, as we took in the historical setting and homes/mansions of earlier Spokane. We finished off our visit settled deeply into the comfy couch in front of the fireplace at the neighborhood Café Capri, with steaming hot mugs of drip, discussing Hopes recent trip to the Hamptons and NYC. Speaking of Fall Splendor, I’ve been back east in the fall a few times and even what I’m enjoying here can’t rival THOSE colors.

Work in my garden has come to an end, I have to report my experiment with straw bale gardening didn’t do well this first year. I believe it was due to the late start this spring, I needed to ‘prep’ the bales weeks earlier than I did, even using plastic hoods to help warm them up and allow earlier plantings. I DID see several successful straw bale gardens around town this summer and talked with a few gardeners who were generous in their advice and experiences with this mode of planting. I basically just grew my garden as ‘usual’, in the ground this summer but hope to try straw bales again next year as well as put in some raised beds. Btw, the picture here is NOT my garden, I just wanted to include a picture of a successful straw bale garden lol.

I spent yesterday yanking out the far too many tomato plants I grew this year…they virtually took over the space! While many never had a chance to fully ripen, the season started late this year, I collected a few dozen of the green tomatos from off the vines about two weeks ago, wrapped in newspaper, set in a box with a few apples and put in my broom closet. I have been delighted to see them redden up, we’ve been enjoying such yummy fare as grilled tomato and cheese sandwiches, and cream of tomato soup the past week. The last few I collected yesterday are now securely blanketed in newsprint as we speak. I also dug up and repotted some of my chili pepper plants and herbs to winter over in front of my large downstairs windows. I have a hard time ‘letting go’ as you can see! Tending to these plants will brighten my long winter days as I await springs return and a new planting season.

POST MIDTERM ELECTIONS 2014 The Winter of Our discontent?

Thank goodness its over, the 2014 midterm elections! It seemed the tv/internet/radio/magazine and newspaper campaign ads filled with propaganda would never come to an end. But one WOULD think with that constant barrage (most expensive election in HISTORY) we’d have seen higher voter turnout. Perhaps folks were just TOO fed up, figure whats the point, my vote counts for nothing, its all rigged anyways? Which it is! Think Citizens United, Dark Money, super pacs! Its certainly no longer our grandfathers (or parents!) election process. AND add to that Republicans (highly successful) efforts to suppress the vote, their gerrymandering and redistricting. With all that I suppose it should come as no surprise the Party responsible for the worst financial crises since the crash of Wall Street in 1929, the biggest HEIST ever of the American taxpayer (the Bailout), 9/11/01 and the attack on the Twin Towers (yes they knew it was coming), which opportuned the lead in to an endless war in the Mideast (yes it was/IS all about the Oil)is now back in power. Because my friend it IS all about the money. And when one has buying power enough to purchase the highest court in the land, well its game over.

I COULD go on but whats the point, the results are in, it is what it is. And if you’re politically aware, even remotely, and know how our Legislative and Executive Branches work, how and why the Republicans were able to stall or block any and all progressive Bills that could have moved the country forward in areas of employment, equal pay for women, minimum wage, infrastructure, the environment, you would NOT have voted Republican (even IF you were a registered Republican which even we were until 2008). You would be as stupefied as I am at how short the memory of most americans seems to be, and how gullible or ill informed they HAVE to be. What is it they say, “people get the government they deserve”

ANYways, I am of course disappointed and concerned, but basically I guess we shall see what the GOP plan is to move the country forward. NOT that Obama has not HAD great successes in doing JUST THAT that since the Republicans nearly destroyed the country entirely in 2006/7. In short we have a president who’s:
• Created over 10 million jobs.
• Authorized the successful killing of Osama bin Ladin.
• Saved the American auto industry.
• Presided over record stock levels.
• Reduced the deficit by $1 trillion.
• Set a record for consecutive months of job growth in our nation’s history.
• Passed landmark health care reform that’s provided millions of Americans with health care.

- See more at:

All THAT said, I must admit I have been disappointed in this Presidents actions, or should I say, 'non-actions, in one particular, and personal, arena, that of sentencing and prison reform, his ”unpardonable” lack of using his executive power to Pardon, to grant clemency. President Obama has pardoned, granted clemency to, the fewest prisoners/ex felons, in Presidencial history. Yet his platform included sentencing and justice reform. We voted for Obama in 2008 partly because of that platform, as well as because of the desperate need for a change in the status quo … the country was imploding after 8 years of the Bush Administration! Recent efforts by AG Eric Holder, fueled by activist groups nationwide, are promising (USSC sentencing reforms only just went into effect this week) but unfortunately just as he has ‘stepped up’, he is stepping down (he has announced he’ll be vacating his post).

For now the country can just ‘settle in’ for a long winter, possibly to become known as 'the winter of our discontent'??? Actually two more winters, knowing full well with a lame duck president there will not be much happening in the halls of Congress. And lord only knows what awaits us when the GOP takes the reins fully. Sadly I believe it won’t benefit we the former middle class, that medicare and social security and the ACA will be high on the 'hit list', and lord help those with lesser status, the poor and disenfranchised in this country, but I’m sure the very wealthy and powerful 1% are partying like its 1999!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Change in Scenery, A Change in Attitude

I was out walking yesterday, enjoying the incredible day we were having, clear blue skies, temps just under 80 degrees, when my thoughts turned to how just one year ago, on that very day, I was still living in California, and recalled those hot summer days, the temperatures in Bakersfield stuck at 115 – 120, of how we would still have another good two months to go before these hot summer days moved into what we called “paradise season”…the cooler, 80 degree weather of ‘fall’, november and December, when low 70’s, mid 60’s temps would move in for several months and make living in the central valley bearable. The long summers of Bakersfield, the Central Valley, WERE long and hot, hot, hot. And to make matters worse, Bakersfield held the undisputed title of “worst air quality in the NATION”. Anyways, as I breathed in the fresh clean air here in the NW yesterday, and today, and everyday now, as I walked through the lovely neighborhood we now live in, inhaling the heavy scent of pine, I also breathed out a long sigh of relief, to be here, now, at last. All things DO come to an end. If I were to list how many times I would tell myself “this too shall pass”, that list would be miles and miles long. But it gave me comfort and made it easier to move from day to day over the years.

When I read of the major earthquake in the San Francisco Bay area yesterday it brought back the memories of those times… the always present, nagging ‘knowing’ that at any time, the BIG one could hit! Knowing first hand how everything can change in a heartbeat, in a split second, and be FOREVER changed, I also breathe a sigh we are now far removed from California. Aside from earthquake danger, we in Bakersfield lived under the fear the Lake Isabella Dam would breach and cover the city in 30 ft of water within hours. In my googling I’d read funds were not available for the needed repairs, how studies from 5 or 6 yrs earlier (at that time) had detected serious repairs being needed but that no work was slated on the dam for several more years. I did read, more recently this article on the Sacramento Corp of Engineers website:
“An operating restriction is currently in place, limiting the lake’s normal storage capacity, to reduce the risk of the seepage and seismic concerns while a permanent solution is investigated. USACE has implemented increased surveillance and monitoring; stockpiling of emergency materials; warning sirens in the town of Lake Isabella; installation of additional instrumentation for monitoring; and continued public outreach with Kern County and the local public. In 2013, following the signing of the Record of Decision in December 2012, the Corps entered the Pre-Construction Engineering and Design phase of the project. A number of procedural tasks must still be completed in preparation of physical construction, which is scheduled to begin in 2017.”

So it appears nothing is currently being done PHYSICALLY to fix the problems at the dam, since discoveries were made in 2006. The Corp is just taking measures to lessen the damage IN THE EVENT OF, and IN THE AFTERMATH OF, the dams breaching. Even living in the SW of Bakersfield, where I read we would have a good two hrs of warning if the damn breached, trying to plan an ‘escape’ route was an exercise in futility. The panic caused by such an event, from ANY major catastrophic event, would make usingthe freeways/and/or any singular roads, unusable. I have to believe most Bakersfieldians are either totally ignorant of the looming fiasco hanging, literally, over their heads (the dam is due east, up in much higher elevations), or have adopted a zen attitude that allow them to ignore its presence.

I think that when living in California one must live in a constant state of denial. Live in the moment, which in itself a good philosophy but considering the ramifications long term it isn’t always the best solution, well its NO solution at all except in preserving ones state of mind… the Buddhists feel when one can’t change a situation one CAN learn to change ones attitude towards such a situation, in order to preserve peace of mind. Unfortunately I was not always very good at that, I am more a realist, what gives ME peace and optimism is knowing I’ve taken steps towards prevention of, and minimalizing any damage done, in the aftermath of, any emergency. THAT gives ME peace of mind.

To that end all the years we resided in Cali I was in the habit of collecting water in used milk gallon jugs, adding a few drops of bleach, and storing in the garage, in accumulating Emergency Food stores, large containers of your basics, including medical supplies, batteries, radios, books on surviving crisis or catastrophic events, you name it. I had quite a little section of our garage organized and well stocked for just such an event. Rod and Corey would laugh at me, all my ongoing endeavors, and at how I was addicted to a show on tv called Preppers! Well scoff if they will, I always felt he who laughs last, laughs best. LOL I actually learned a lot from these often overly zealous folks but a good bunch of it was things I’d never thought about and that could prove helpful at some time, when needed.

I haven’t felt the need to watch this program (is it still even on?) nor to further my emergency stores (though what I DID collect is still in storeage in my cellar) since returning to the NW. Somehow just being here, with access to more ‘open’ roads, being in the ‘vicinity’ of our lake cabin, amongst family and friends, has all contributed to the sense of calmness and optimism I was lacking the past ten years.

All this isn’t to say our time in Cali was depressing and fraught with fear, LOL, because it wasn’t! I have many, and mostly wonderful, memories of our years in the Golden State. I felt grateful, for one, that Rods job allowed us to travel throughout the State, Bakersfield was a central hub really, within two hrs drive in most cases, of the amazing beaches that line the California coast, the attractions of Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, San Francisco,Santa Barbara, as well as the smaller beach communities I especially liked to spend time in, such as Pismo Beach, Summerland, and Morro Bay. Rods 'area' extended into Nevada, where we would spend several days a month when Diverified's crews were put to work there. I strangely enjoyed the surreality of Las about an "escape", LOL. The State of California is beautiful to behold, the many natural delights it has been gifted with, though endangered, remain for most to enjoy. I simply found the California of ‘today’ a much different version of the California I visited in the past and that I spent an entire summer exploring (backpacking) back in 1970. But then what hasn’t changed since the 70’s, other than the state of war this country still finds itself engaged in. Besides, my reasons for being there, and my state of mind, were very different then.

As Jean Paul Sarte once said,“The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.”

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Prince of Pot returns to Canada

A friend of mine, Marc Emery, has finally completed his 5 yr sentence for selling marijuana seeds. Marc is a fellow Canadian,who had been extradicted to the US from Canada (B.C.) to serve time in a US prison, and though we’ve never met, we became correspondants and ultimately friends not long after he entered the US prison system. I’d somewhat followed his case while we were living in California, having come across the story on some news site (Canadian no doubt). He was and had been for many years, well known in Canada as the Prince of Pot, for his outspoken, direct and in-your-face crusade to legalize marijuana. I read that in the presentencing hearing, Emery’s lawyer, Mark Troberman told the judge and courtroom "The only thing that makes Mr. Emery unique or different from most of these other seed sellers is that Marc donated his proceeds to help fund lawful marijuana legalization efforts throughout the United States and Canada.” Marc himself estimates he contributed, across the border, roughly $4.5 million in seed revenues from his Cannabis Culture shop, to help pay for drug-law challenges between 1995 and 2005. If you are unfamiliar with Marc Emery, Canada’s leading and most steadfast activist in the fight to legalized marijuana, you can google him for all kinds of information.

Marc was first sent to D. Ray James Correctional Facility in Louisiana, the facility is designated low-security for INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) ‘deportable alien’ inmates. It is, in fact, run and controlled like a medium-high security prison. But in regular BOP medium-security prisons, you get a two-bunk cell to share; here in this “low”-security prison, 60 men share one big dorm with no privacy. About two years later Marc was transferred to Yazoo Medium Security Prison in Mississippi after his applications to be transferred back to Canada to serve his sentence (as many Canadians are entitled to do in accordance with a Treaty between the US and Cdn Govt’s) were denied.

I first wrote him at D.Ray James, a letter of ‘solidarity’ more or less. Living the ‘prison’ world as we (my husband son and I) had been doing for around five years at that point I knew getting letters in the mail was the highlight of any inmates day, and that he would likely appreciate all and any support. I imagine being extradicted, to serve five years in a foreign country’s prison system (even though that foreign country is ‘next door’) would have to add just one more level of anxiety, to an already over-stressed and anxiety ridden man in this situation, to anyone actually, experienced or not, with the prison journey.

As I’m sure you’ve surmised, since my sons arrest and ten year foray in the US prison system, since my eyes were opened (my ‘enlightenment’ if you will) to the broken, corrupt and draconian prison system our taxpayers (mostly through ignorance) and the Govt’s ‘drug war’ supports, I have been a strong supporter of legalizing marijuana, decriminalizing it, for ending the U.S. Govt’s failed “war on drugs”, so was sincerely sympathetic and supportive of this man and what he stood for. The US Prison system holds more drug offenders, serving overly long sentences, than it does convicted felons of any other crimes, with convicted marijuana ‘criminals’ filling more beds than any other. The ‘politics’ behind the surging levels of marijuana encarcerations and our prison populations exceeding 137% of capacity, after 40 years and 1 Trillion being spent on the failed ‘war on drugs’ being the reason….cha ching, cha ching.

Marc had, to all accounts and purposes, always been fully transparent in his business dealings in Canada, in his ‘head shop’ business in downtown Vancouver, his Cannabis Culture magazine and website, and in his mail order seed selling business. The Canadian Govt was fully aware of Marcs business enterprises and politics, and gladly accepted and spent the taxes he paid on his profits, most of those profits having been donated to efforts aimed at furthering the legalizing of marijuana in the US and Canada. The US Drug Czar however saw things differently and placed him on their ‘most wanted’ list, Marc was ultimately arrested by the DEA for selling seeds to a US customer. The arrest and prosecution was mostly all political, as immediately following Marcs guilty verdict and extradition papers being signed, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency hailed his capture as a “significant blow not only to the marijuana trafficking trade in the U.S. and Canada, but also to the legalization movement.”

The Prosecutor in Marcs case, John McKay, has, four years ago, taken a 180 degree turn re his stance on the drug war, having come out and stated that "he has come to see the futility of continuing to enforce marijuana prohibition. "As Emery's prosecutor and a former federal law-enforcement official, I'm not afraid to say out loud what most of my former colleagues know is true: Our marijuana policy is dangerous and wrong and should be changed through the legislative process to better protect the public safety." Marijuana prohibition "has utterly failed," McKay concluded. Failed, yes, and in the process destroyed countless lives of young (and old) men and women, and the fabric of the lives of their family and friends.

I can’t even remember what I wrote in my first letter to Marc, other than, in introducing myself, I recounted "our story" re Coreys arrest and lengthy sentence for a first time, non-violent marijuana offender and my own thoughts on America’s ‘drug war’, the draconian and overly severe sentences imposed on all drug offenders (including first time, low level offenders) and wished him well. Within two weeks when I opened my mailbox I found a letter in response from Marc and we became regular correspondents from then till his release just last week, August 17th. At some point, I think after he was transferred to Yazoo Medium Security Prison in Mississippi, he had access to an inmate email service (Corrlinks, the same private ISP Lompoc Prison used and that Corey and I used daily his last two years at Lompoc, Ca) and we corresponded in that fashion thereafter. After he was released from prison, about a month ago, he was first sent to an ICE Detention Center to await his deportation to Canada, and had access to a cellphone, so we talked and texted a few times while he was there. He was clearly enjoying himself and in great spirits! SO excited, as you can imagine, to soon be back with his lovely wife Jodie, on Canadian soil and rejoin the movement he was perhaps due more credit towards advancing than any other pot activist in the past twenty or more years in Canada.

I always enjoyed our conversations and our correspondence, I found Marc highly intelligent, well read and educated, world travelled, witty, clever and v funny. Also possessed of the most positive attitude, likeable personality, and I learned first hand, highly exuberant quality in conversation. The man can tell a STORY! The Canadian Govt will have their hands full going into this next election with Marc supporting and campaigning for the opposing Liberal Party (led by Justin Trudeau) who have taken on support for the Legaization of marijuana as a key issue. Marc has vowed to seek political revenge against the Conservative Govt for its role in his extradition.

He also has a university tour booked in Canada starting in Jan. 2015 and will begin a 30-city Canadian tour on Sept.10, 2015 continuing until Oct. 17, the day before the next scheduled federal election. He also has invitations to speak in several EU countries this and next year, many of which we spoke about. Good luck to you Marc, my thoughts and prayers go with you.

"If I had to sum up Friendship in one word, it would be Comfort"
. ~Terri Guillemets