Big, wide brimmed hats for the garden!
Rod came home with these last weekend, and I love them! A must for the bright sunny days here. I'm more a baseball cap sorta gal but these offer so much more protection from not just UV rays but those pesky, flying, giant bugs that come sweeping thru the yard now and then. I'm not kidding, we have these big black, red winged flying bugs, they appear to be about 2 inches long, and they scare the beejesus out of me! I never hear them till they are within a few feet away, that must be when they kick into dive-bomb mode and emit a loud, dull buzzzzzing noise. THATS when I run for cover, no need to look around, I KNOW they are there!
This is one of the little watermills where I get my jugs of filtered water. They have several around town, different brands of water. This one costs 25 cents a gallon, much more affordable than the bottled water at the stores. I hesitate to drink the tap water here, it just tastes flat and sorta "dead". I miss the waters of the northwest!
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. ~Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732