Nope, not likely...this is actually a picture in the Martha Stewart magazine I was perusing while relaxing on my dock early one afternoon. I sat there, cozy in my campchair, in peaceful bliss, water bottle at hand, magazine poised on my lap, for a few hours at least ...this magazine was followed by several more, all those I hadn't taken the time to enjoy in earlier weeks.
This is a view of the westside of the lake...all these bleached white tree stumps bear witness that at one time, I don't know how long ago, the waters edge was much further from shore than it is now, that this lake was somewhat narrower at some time.
This being another drought year...the second, or maybe third (?) year in a row for our area, this is the first time since we've owned this property that we actually have a real beach, a good 10 feet or more of it! I enjoy that, but do wonder, in this time of global climate change, what the future of our lake will be. Will it return to its "original" levels (when these stumps were living trees) or will it rise once again (2006 and earlier levels) to where we basically would jump off the bank right into the water!
We cannot command Nature except by obeying her. ~Francis Bacon