If we thought selling (or buying) a house required far too much paperwork, renting an apartment isn’t a simple process anymore either! We had rented the small house in Taft the first 5 yrs here, but it was owned by a local woman, not a large corporation and we basically signed a lease, paid our damage and first and last months rent up front and moved in! Not this time! Weeks back after laying down first our $25 each for background checks, then a week later when approved, the $400 Deposit required, then 2 more weeks later when we finally moved in, our first and last months rent, and signing at least 2 dozen or more contingencies, rules, regulations, etc, covering everything and anything that could possibly cause the Corporation to want to vacate us, we finally wandered over to the unit itself to inspect it, do a ‘walk through”.
At first glance the unit appeared clean enough, after all they’d had 5 days to have it done after the last tenants vacated and from what I’d read in reviews re this Complex, would not have refunded a dime of their $400 damage deposit. But to my dismay there was greasy dirt along the edges where lino meets carpet, there were scuffs and tears in the lino, scuffs on the lower wall where the paint had been rubbed off, the cabinets were NOT cleaned, the doors sticky with specks of food and fly or roach specks I suspect. I spent my next entire day cleaning and disinfecting the place, the entire kitchen, the inside and outside of all cabinets with a bleach and water solution, prior to stocking them. We had also seen a dead cockroach laying feet up on the dining room floor, which the office gal said was NOT a cockroach, but a May Bug. Not that those are much better, from what I’ve googled. But we were to soon learn, as we were moving in, we DID indeed have cockroaches. We must have killed 3 or 4 of them within a few hours. Yikes! By that time the office had closed so I had to wait until the next morning to call and request an exterminator.
They WERE pretty quick at sending someone over, by mid afternoon the fellow arrived and sprayed. As he was leaving one large dark colored cockroach staggered out from under the stove like a drunken sailor and promptly keeled over on the spot, feet kicking in the air! For the next 3 days we’d awake to find 5 or 6 of the dastardly bugs, mostly in the kitchen and dining area, so we requested one more spraying, which took place yesterday (a full week from the first one) and are still waking up to one or two dead roaches every morning. But, better a dead roach that we can flush, than a live one scurrying around we have to first catch! I have NO doubt when the lights are out they are still there (in numbers? Who’s to say?), managing to avoid the poisons the exterminator laid out, but myself also…I have put out Borax powder (deadly for bugs but not toxic to humans and pets) in the backs of all my cabinets and sprinkled it liberally at doors, windows, along baseboards and in corners and closets!).

I comfort myself in thinking surely they are at least under control by now. I intend to request they send the exterminator every other week until NO roaches are to be found every morning. Oh yeah, I also have arriving today, two RIDDEX Pest Control electronic devices! These small units plug into a socket and emit electronic pulses into the walls that APPARENTLY the bugs (spiders, roaches, mice, you name it!) truly hate and will flee the premises. I can only hope. The fellow spraying here yesterday told me they don’t work, but the review I read were 75% positive. I WILL think positive. I will post results.
"Cockroaches really put my "all creatures great and small" creed to the test". ~Terri Guillemets